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Hands Rest Now

A piece by Jill Signorelli

This is a piece for those with raw over washed, over sanitized hands. This is a piece for every person right now . I have been receiving many messages from folks about hand lotion. Although Raven Soul Shop’s My Lotion Bar will definitely hydrate your hands with all natural toxic free ingredients, I’m suggesting an additional step.

Introducing Vacation From Sanitation; the every couple of days treatment for hands so they can continue to be washed several times a day.

You will receive a small Please Be Calm Skin lotion bar, a pair of cotton spa gloves and a handy burlap tote bag (available flowered pattern or dark tan) for storage. A full description of Please Be Calm Skin can be found in Products under Lotion Bars at and this new kit is available on the main page

Like I stated earlier, the messages are rolling in and people are beginning to notice the effects on their hands since precautionary hand washing began. This is normal because our hands can only replenish what is called good bacterias at a certain rate. They cannot possibly keep up with 25x the amount of normal soap/sanitizer, water that they have been through this week alone. The skin will begin to break down and new problems then invited—infections, irritations etc…

Some people are noticing it around their knuckles which are covered by thin skin. These irritations will begin to cover a larger area of the hands. These are the areas where good bacterias are struggling to naturally defend and hydrate the skin. So, I started researching my oils ,of course.

Raven Soul Shop is a product line based on natural solutions. I liked what I found because once again they were oils I had in stock. As I read on, I realized I already made this lotion bar and I was thrilled to discover that Please Be Calm Skin could multipurpose beyond helping those who have eczema. Here is a quick reference to the oils in the lotion and why they would help you give your hands a rest for a little while

Lavender: calming

Peppermint: ease any swelling and itching

Elemi: strengthens and tones skin to face tomorrow’s washing

German Chamomile: greatly restores skin from multiple layers beneath surface. Gives the lotion a blue tint but wont stain skin

Tea Tree: relieves dry skin, reduces itching and helps good bacteria thrive

The Vacation From Sanitation is a treatment best done at night and at home. After you have washed your hands, for the final time that day and dried them, apply Please Be Calm Skin to the hands—an amount little more generous than daily use. Then simply put the cotton spa gloves on and let the lotion, combined with the oils, do some repairing. I just rest mine on a pillow while watching a show. It really is that simple and extremely effective. Right hand not pictured--busy being the photographer

The essential oils will make them stronger from deep places while the coconut oil, shea butter and beeswax will soften them. You should see and feel results after one treatment. The gloves are machine washable but I suggest hand washing them in cold water. You want them to last for multiple uses.

Remember folks, our hands are the connectors to the rest of our body and we should keep them strong in defense.

As always, I hope you find this piece to be helpful. I will continue to find ways for all of us to use natural products in our everyday. Raven Soul Shop makes good stuff for all people.

Be sure to check out all available products on my site and feel free to email with any questions

Stay well! Stay loving! Go ahead…have a wonderful life.

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