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Simply A Part Of Everyday

If someone put Parabens, Aluminum and Triclosan on a spoon, would you consume it? I’m really hoping your answer is “NO”. So, assuming your answer is “NO” you must ask yourself: why rub them into my armpits everyday then? You may even be wondering: what the heck are those things anyway and what are you on about lady?

Well, in this piece, I will be covering what those things are and why they’re in our store bought deodorants. Natural deodorant has served me so well. So, I will also be offering a short simple guide on introducing natural deodorant into your life.

Parabens found in common deodorants are grouped together chemicals. They are added to prevent mold and bacteria from growing in the deodorant; giving it a longer shelf life. Although, it sounds helpful and appealing because you most certainly don’t want to pull the cap off and discover any of the above. They are chemicals and since they act as preservatives that means they hang around in the body for awhile. While traveling through your bloodstream they begin to mimic estrogen and disrupt our natural systematic hormone design. With the performance of acting like estrogen, unnatural cell division begins which could create tumors. At this point of the piece you may be thinking: what the heck!!! I just want to smell good. To this, I reply “I know right?”

Aluminum found in antiperspirants is in the form of tiny rocks broken down. The purpose is to block the sweat glands and decrease pit stains. What a wonderful concept our inner ego is fed by the cheesy ads that show those confident folks with their hands held high in the air wearing totally dry armpits. However, if those glands are blocked, that sweat which contains toxins trying to expel from our body will just remain in the body. It will travel back through and find another way out but leave residuals along the way. It has been documented that those residules, over time, can be linked to certain cancers.

Triclosan certainly helps companies pass inspections because it won’t leave any trace of micro bacterial substance. This is because it’s literally a pesticide. It’s also, very common in soaps, toothpastes, various cosmetics and deodorants. Once again, that also means that through those products it finds its way into our bloodstreams and bodies. It will do as its intended and break down any form of bacteria. Unfortunately, our bodies naturally create certain bacteria to build defense against diseases and triclosan destroys those as well. Therefore, diseases become stronger than our defense against them.

Those are just 3 of many words I see on the back of labels and I cannot even pronounce most of them. If you are becoming more curious about natural alternatives to everyday products, especially deodorant, then this piece is about to become way less of a bummer.

Natural deodorant can be a change in your life that branches off affecting your entire body positively. Through trial and error I have discovered just the right combination for my deodorant and I trust it everyday. Imagine recognizing and being able to pronounce the ingredients in your everyday deodorant. Most of all imagine it works for you.

The Coconut oil is an earth given natural defense against unwanted bacteria while the Shea butter is a soft nurouisher to the skin (especially freshly shaven). The beeswax provides a temporary shield from wetness chemical free. The Baking soda and cornstarch freshly absorb addional sweat. The pure essential oils provide different aromatherapy purposes and with 3 choices, I’m confident you’ll find just the right one for yourself.

This piece is informative and a launch for Simply Deodorant found on my site It’s a brand new product and I’m really excited to share it with you.

But I’ve tried natural deodorant and it didn’t work for me. I have heard this phrase from at least 7 out of every 10 people that I know. I, myself, have said this!! It didn’t work because you tried it too soon. I totally understand why and I have a simple guide that really helped me. So, try it this way and you just may have much better results with natural deodorant and understanding on how your body actually releases toxins

Step 1. No deodorant. Say What?!!!

Yep. Your pores, sweat glands and overall system will need a total detox for this newfound transition. So, choose a day off from work and maybe have a movie marathon at home alone because you are about to completely REEK! For 24-48 hours do not put any deodorant on at all. This will give your body a chance to expel the residuals from your old deodorant through unblocked sweat glands. You may experience some really foul body odor because that stuff has been held up in your body for so long.

Step 2. Drink at least ½ gallon of water or more. The water will help to flush out remaining toxins from all organs and through your pores.

Step 3. Maintain healthy eating habits. Lots of fruits and vegetables help to stabilize our blood and create cleaner routes for the toxins to travel out

Step 4. Alternative step which could be very effective is to soak in a bath with Pure bath bomb (found in the bath and shower section of my site) It’s a magnesium based bath bomb designed to draw harmful toxins from your body and build healthy blood cells.

After your detox, you should be ready to give natural deodorant another try and find success.

Simply Deodorant is made with Coconut Oil, Shea butter, beeswax, baking soda, cornstarch and pure essential oils (available in 3 scents) Cool, Fresh and Sweet.

This particular combination worked best for me because it gives a smooth glide but confidence of a slightly white film.

I really hope you found this piece to be helpful and that you give Simply Deodorant a fair try following the steps. Go ahead…have a wonderful life

As a fun idea, I’ve decided to document the names of everyone who shares this blog post, publicly, on their Facebook page. Then, one week from today, I will choose one of the participating folks and send them a Simply Deodorant for free. So hit that share button and you just may be the winner of this fantastic smell good bar.

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